No Meeting in June!

So sorry to postpone yet again but I am having more back fusions done on Friday 11th June. Our next meeting will be Saturday July 17th, 2010. Hope to see you then! :)
We meet on the third Saturday of every month to make 'Journals of Hope' for cancer patients, and/or cards to give to the Changepoint Compassion Team to give out to those in need. (such as sympathy, condolences, get well, and new baby cards).

We meet at the Changepoint office, on the East corner of the building. The address is 6689 Changepoint Drive, 99518. It is just off the Raspberry exit on Minnesota Hwy. Please email for directions if you need them. If the entrance door is not open, please email my cell 229-1786 to let you in.

We meet from so bring a 'brown bag' lunch. There is a microwave available.

Bring your own supplies to transform composition books or $1 journals, and/or make cards. If you do not have supplies, please contact me as I have plenty and can bring some. But call me a few days in advance so I can prepare them for you. My home phone is 344-2696. If I'm not at home, you can leave a message or try me on my cell phone at 229-1786.

Any and all are welcome...bring friends! You do not have to be attending ChangePoint or any other church, nor do you need crafting experience - just come and enjoy the company, and maybe cut something out for someone else!

If you have any questions feel free to contact me. My email is Hope to see you join us soon! :D

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